Thursday, January 12, 2012

Van Halen's New 'Tattoo' Reminds Fans Of Old 'Flames'

Fans say band's comeback single appears to be a re-worked version of '70s song 'Down in Flames.'By James Montgomery Van Halen Photo: Getty Images On Tuesday, Van Halen premiered "Tattoo," the first single from their comeback album with David Lee Roth, A Different Kind of Truth. And almost as soon as they did, longtime fans couldn't help but notice that the song sounded, well, a little familiar. In fact, the "new" song might be a re-worked version of "Down in Flames," a track Van Halen

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1 comment:

  1. Talented rock band Van Halen release their CD entitled "Illicit Carnal and I am very confident, I believe Van Halen fans pleased to announce the, and rock fans will be happy in this matter.

    Van and a Man London
